IMAGE OF MADRID (Fragmento) – «I’m naked. I have no money. Somebody has stolen my wallet here in Madrid. I don’t need my credit-card, EC card or money back, but I need the european driving license and the health isurance-card back. And the most important thing I need back is the first picture ever taken of me and my boyfriend».
Madrid, National Museum Reina Sofía, 2008

Sobre la autora:

Herma Auguste Wittstock was born 1977 in Peine, Germany. She lives in Berlin and works all over the world. Miembro activo del Independent Performance Group, colectivo generado por Marina Abramovic. Ha presentado performances en el Festival de Avignon (2005), la Bienal de Venecia (2003) y el Museo de Arte Moderno de Dublín (2001). Sus performances exploran los límites mentales y los límites del público. Su cuerpo es el instrumento y el centro de cada obra.