Every System has a dream –Moving images & Music by Kent Tate with additional SiFi B movie re-mixed. (Movie project scetch – excerpt)
Intro: The “Alternating Viewer” speaks, as a passenger jet dissolves into lava flows entering the Pacific Ocean overlaid by carnival rides, office buildings, electronic billboards, freeways, and an adoring wax figure of a famous living actor. The “Alternating Viewer” now multiplied by three have a short conversation at the Hoover Dam in Henderson, Nevada.
“To all appearances, the artist acts like a mediumistic being who, from the labyrinth beyond time and space, seeks their way out to a clearing.” ― Marcel Duchamp
«Mankind’s self-alienation has reached such a degree that it can experience its own destruction as an aesthetic pleasure of the first order.» – Jerry Mander
About the author:
Based in Canada, Kent Tate is an award winning artist/filmmaker whose works explores the dichotomy between tranquility and activity in our natural and manufactured worlds. Time, motion and stillness are intertwined through Kent’s work and acts like a fulcrum upon which the environmental, social and philosophical aspects of his work are held in dynamic balance.
Kent has been exhibited internationally at film and new media festivals, symposiums, juried screenings and exhibitions, as well as major solo gallery exhibitions and tours. He has received awards, grants, and artist residencies for his projects which include: The Ruth Shaw award – Artist residencies at the Gushul, Banff Centre, and the Wallace Stegner house – Grants from the Canada Council, Ontario Arts Council, BC Arts Council, Hawaii State Arts Foundation, and the SaskArts Board. Kent is currently working on video/sculpture projects that interconnect his lifelong passion for the prairies, the mountains, and the ocean to express how these environments shape his meaning, his poetic desires. http://www.pulsingearth.ca/